Parents' Corner

Keeping You Involved
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Every effort is made to keep the line of communication open between the school personnel and the families we serve.  Each month the teachers distribute a newsletter to inform families about activities in the classroom, as well as topics and concepts that will be covered during the month.

In addition to the Kingdom Kids calendar for the year, teachers will provide their class with a monthly calendar of special days and reminders pertinent to their child’s class. The Director will also send out calendar updates and events available through Mt. Lebanon Evangelical Presbyterian Church.


Kingdom Kids Christian Preschool is equipped with a security system.  The perimeter doors on both ends of our hallway and in the Christian Ed. Lobby are kept locked from the outside.  Each door on our hallway is equipped with a sounder alarm. Each staff member wears a key fob that allows the class to pass through the doors, after traveling outside the classroom area.  If a child should attempt to open a hall door without permission, an alarm will sound, alerting the staff.

In inclement weather, tune in to local TV news stations for cancellation or delay announcements. Delays or closings will be listed as “Kingdom Kids Mt. Lebanon.” We follow the Mt. Lebanon School District, so if Mt. Lebanon SD cancels or has a delay, then Kingdom Kids will, too.

  • In the event of a delay, start time is 10:00 AM and dismissal is still 12:00 PM
  • If a delay occurs on Thursday, Robins  dismiss at 2:00 PM.

Tuition assistance, either on a temporary or ongoing basis, is available thanks to donations from the congregation of MLEPC and others. Any family requesting tuition assistance must complete a confidential application and review process for each year assistance is needed. The financial aid provided will not exceed 50% of the annual tuition amount. To inquire, please speak directly with the Kingdom Kids Director.

Each week our students are allowed to take home a book from our library cart. We strongly encourage families to read together. Kingdom Kids knows that children who are exposed to reading early and do it often become great readers! Parent volunteers assist us on library days.

Kingdom Kids provides opportunities for Speech, Language and Hearing screenings as well as Vision screening during the school year.  Specific information will be given when these screenings approach.

Parent Involvement

Parents may become more involved with Kingdom Kids by volunteering to help with Library Cart or serve as a substitute teacher. In addition, teachers sometimes have a special classroom project and parents are asked to help when another set of hands are needed.  In these instances, our parent volunteers must have security clearances (a criminal background check and a child abuse clearance.)

During the school year we encourage families to share their talents and careers when the children discuss units on community helpers and job choices.

Our primary purpose is to share God’s love and His Word with children and their families in a warm and safe environment and provide a rich and varied preschool experience to prepare children to succeed in Kindergarten.

Want be a part of our community? Get in touch!

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